Monday, December 7, 2009

Pillowcase in Curlz font

This is a pillowcase done in the curlz font. Great gift $25 including case.

stocking stuffers and last minute gifts

I am making these crayon rolls. They are super cute for boys or girls. I am giving them to my little cousins, and using them in stockings and for little gifts. They hold 16 crayons. Fabric choices are limitless. Some have 3 different, some just 2. They can have a big button, little button. Ric Rac around the edges for girls. So easy to throw in your purse for kids to play with and the crayons don't fall out and they don't mark up the inside of your purse.
Prices: $12
w/ ric rac $13

Cross Shirts for girls and adults. These can be done in a flash. I am making 3 right now for the last minute gift. Bring your shirt to me and it can be done for $10
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